The interference fringes in front of the detector plane are continuous and infinite. However, during the digital hologram recording, they are sampled by the camera with discrete pixels and a finite extent of the imaging area. Visible, LWIR and THz cameras typically have µm-scale pixel pitch
$ p $ and tens of mm-scale imaging area$ Np\times Np $ ($ N $ number of pixels), whereas the working wavelengths differ by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Naturally, the optimum recording conditions to be respected for faithful hologram recording vary. We now discuss these concerns and their impacts based on the three typical cases summarized in Table 1.λ (μm) p (μm) N θmax (deg) zmin* (m) Intrinsic resolution dr Visible 0.532 4 1000 × 1000 3.8 15 0.0001 z LWIR 10.6 17 640 × 480 18 3.2 0.001 z THz 118.8 17 640 × 480 − − 0.01 z *For a 2 m object Table 1. Typical parameters of cameras and impact of wavelength on distance object-detector and resolution
The first aspect is that the spatial sampling condition should be fulfilled: the finest fringe should be correctly sampled by the pixels, which limits a maximum off-axis angle14:
$$ {\theta }_{max}=2{\mathrm{sin}}^{-1}\left(\frac{\lambda }{4p}\right) $$ (1) This implies that, when observing an object with lateral dimension
$ D $ , a minimum recording distance should be respected, following$$ {z}_{min}\approx \frac{2p\left(D+Np\right)}{\lambda } $$ (2) For a given recording distance, larger objects can be observed when working with a longer wavelength. The maximum off-axis angle at visible (
$ \lambda $ = 532 nm) with a typical pitch p = 4 μm is 3.8 degrees. A 2m-sized object should be set at least 15 m away from the camera. The maximum off-axis angle at LWIR ($ \lambda $ = 10.6 µm) with pitch p = 17 μm is relaxed to 18 degrees. The minimum recording distance is reduced to 3.2 m. At THz range, especially when working with typical bolometer cameras, the off-axis angle is no longer limited since$ \lambda > 4p $ hold in many cases. The relaxation of maximum off-axis angle is advantageous for situations where a large field of view is expected. Coincidentally, at the LWIR range, the high output power of CO2 lasers guarantees sufficient flux for illuminating large areas. On the other hand, although the sampling condition is no longer an issue for THz DH, macroscopic objects imaging is unsuitable due to the lack of powerful THz sources. Thus, LWIR DH is the best choice for large object or scenes imaging, as is demonstrated by Ferraro’s group in a series of papers19-23. They noticed that, at such wavelengths and with setup parameters discussed above, the speckle grains become very large and affect the reconstructed image quality. Nevertheless, special techniques described elsewhere can mitigate this24.The second concern is the size of the imager area. The intrinsic resolution is diffraction-limited, i.e., the lateral resolution depends on the wavelength and the numerical aperture (NA) of the imaging system. Under lensless DH configuration, the NA is determined by the size of imager
$ Np $ and the recording distance between the object plane and the detector plane:$$ {d}_{r}=\frac{\lambda }{2NA}=\frac{\lambda }{2\mathrm{sin}\alpha }=\frac{\lambda }{2}\sqrt{{\left(\frac{2z}{Np}\right)}^{2}+1}\approx \frac{\lambda z}{Np} $$ (3) The high-frequency components of object wave are diffracted outside of the imager zone. Therefore, they are lost during DH recording. As a result, the attainable intrinsic resolution decreases proportionally with working wavelength. LWIR DH with a slightly lower lateral resolution is acceptable for macroscopic DH applications. However, the diffraction is severe when using THz wavelength. Achieving a sub-mm level resolution regarded as a minimum requirement in most THz imaging cases remains challenging due to the large wavelength. Thus minimizing the object-detector distance is crucial for THz imaging. The recording distance is often squeezed to less than 5 cm when working with the 1cm2-sized imagers at THz wavelength. The geometrical configuration often sets the lower limit of object-detector distance.
For THz off-axis DH setup, one should leave enough space for reference wave injection: the object-detector distance can be reduced to 1 cm. For inline DH or other reference-free phase retrieval setup, the recording distance can be reduced further. An extensive detection area is needed for Sub-THz DH due to the mm-level wavelength. Suitable 2D array detectors are not yet available. Therefore Sub-THz DH is realized by a raster-scanned detector. For instance, in Heimbeck et al.25, when working at 0.495 THz (λ = 606 µm), for a sample located 16.3 cm away from the detector, a detection area of
$ 20\;\times\; 20 $ cm2 is needed to achieve a lateral resolution comparable to the wavelength. The short recording distance in THz DH translates to a high Fresnel number. Therefore, the angular spectrum method (ASM)10 and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld convolution10 are more suitable than the paraxial Fresnel approximation for THz DH reconstruction. Consequently, the discrete Fresnel transform method, which is widely used in visible and LWIR DH for its simplicity (only one FFT is required) and the flexibility of reconstructing large FOV, is not appropriate for THz DH. -
HI is used for measuring variations of the phase
$ \varphi =2\pi nl/\lambda $ of the objects by subtracting the phase from holograms recorded at different object states. Phase variations$ \mathrm{\Delta }\varphi $ can occur through any change related to the object wave, i.e. in the optical path length (the product of the refractive index$ n $ and the geometrical path length$ l $ ) or the wavelength$ \lambda $ . Regardless of the nature of phase change, an interference pattern (interferogram) is observed in the image plane$ (x,y) $ . It is expressed as$$ I\left(x,y\right)={I}_{0}(x,y)\left[1+m\left(x,y\right)\mathrm{cos}\left(\mathrm{\Delta }\varphi \right(x,y\left)\right)\right] $$ (4) with
$ {I}_{0} $ the average irradiance and$ m $ the contrast. The goal is to retrieve the phase change and to interpret the optical path difference (OPD) which induces the phase change. In DH, the phase is easily obtained in the reconstruction process, while in some other versions of holography (analogue holography, speckle interferometry), phase quantification techniques must be considered5,6,26. In any case, once the phase difference$ \mathrm{\Delta }\varphi $ is computed, it can be related to the OPD and the wavelength through$ \mathrm{\Delta }\varphi =\left(2\pi /\lambda \right)OPD $ .In transmission mode, the light passes through the transparent object. The OPD between two points relates to the variation of thickness
$ \Delta t $ or refractive index$ \Delta n $ . For a homogeneous transparent object with refractive index n, the thickness difference between two points is written as$ \Delta t= \Delta \varphi \lambda /\left[2\pi \right(n-1\left)\right] $ . For an object with uniform thickness$ t $ , the refractive index variation is$ \Delta n= \Delta \varphi \lambda /\left[2\pi \right(t-1\left)\right] $ .Under reflection configuration, the light is reflected by the surface of the object under investigation. The phase difference reveals the object’s 3D profile. The phase difference is proportional to the height variation
$ \Delta d $ of the surface profile.The measurable range and resolution are two aspects that should be noticed when relating the phase distribution and the measurand. First off, the obtained phase distribution is wrapped in modulo 2π. A more extensive measurement range of variation corresponds to 2π phase variation thanks to the large working wavelength. As illustrated in Fig. 1, a deformation ranging from 0 to 50 µm is observed using reflection configuration under normal incidence illumination. In this case, the relationship between the deformation
$ \Delta d $ and the phase map$ \mathrm{\Delta }\varphi $ obeys the followingFig. 1 Simulation of phase variation under different working wavelengths. a shows the simulated deformation map. b−d shows the wrapped phase obtained at resp. 532 nm, 10.6 µm, 118.8 µm based on Eq. 5.
$$ \mathrm{\Delta }\varphi =\left(4\pi /\lambda \right)\Delta d $$ (5) Since the phase retrieved is always obtained modulo
$ 2\pi $ , there the deformation is too large to be observed in visible wavelength (Fig.1b) because the resolution criteria of Nyquist-Shannon is not fulfilled to distinguish two neighbouring fringes. The number of fringes reduces with the increase of working wavelength. However, the measurement precision decreases when working with a large wavelength since the measurand is proportional to the wavelength. It is considered as a shortcoming when working with THz wavelength. In the same example, if the phase resolution, i.e., the minimum distinguishable phase variation, is 0.2 rad for three wavelengths, the minimum measurable displacement will be λ/63, which corresponds to 0.17 µm in Fig. 1c whereas 1.9 µm in Fig. 1d. If prior knowledge of the deformation is known, unwrapping the phase obtained with LWIR in Fig. 1c will give the optimum result among the three wavelengths. -
The fact that an object appears scattering or specular depends on the ratio between its roughness
$ R $ and$ \lambda $ 27. If$ R\ll \lambda $ , the object appears purely specular, while for$ R\gg \lambda $ , it appears purely scattering, favoring the speckle effect. In practice, things are not so simple; some surfaces may appear partly scattering and specular when the roughness is close to$ \lambda $ .In the case of solid reflecting objects, holography is easily applicable when the surface appears scattering. The object reflects part of the light to the camera, where it interferes with the reference beam. As long as a good balance of power between reference and object beams is guaranteed, there is always a way to maximize the hologram contrast at recording. This allows the development of lensless DH configurations, where imaging lenses are not necessary for image focusing. When the object is specular, this is more complicated to achieve because the light reflected by the object can fall well out of the hologram recording location. The light collection is necessary through schemes adapted explicitly to the object shape. This is feasible in a very limited number of cases (both spherical and aspheric optics cases), but complex specular surface shapes could be too challenging. Artificially introducing a scattering property is feasible: removable powder is often applied on objects. However, this is not always feasible or recommended in actual industrial applications.
Working at long
$ \lambda $ further complicates the problem since surfaces scattering in visible become specular in LWIR. Even some objects present neighbouring surfaces with either specular or scattering behaviour. Therefore this reflectivity issue has to be considered in developing a LWIR interferometer and strongly depends on the targeted objects.One application discussed later concerns the NDT of carbon fibre-based composite structures. We found that many composites have a roughness of the order or more significant than the wavelength of CO2 laser28. Therefore, the object is sufficiently scattering to allow DH or speckle interferometry. On that basis, we were able to use a mobile LWIR speckle interferometer on aeronautical parts29.
In another application, the target objects are large aspheric reflectors for space that are purely specular. The removable powder cannot be applied. In some specific cases (concave or flat surfaces), such mirrors can be illuminated by an extended diffuser which generates artificial scattering reflected by the mirror towards the camera sensor, enabling hologram recording. This was studied in detail elsewhere30 and will be presented in section applications.
Sometimes objects have neighbouring areas with either specular or scattering behaviour. This requires specific illumination arrangements for dealing with both at the same time31.
Recording holograms with larger wavelengths makes the setup more tolerant to external perturbations. Setup stability is a non-trivial requirement for interferometric technologies, including digital holography. Any perturbation in the environment can lead to the variation of the phase of beams reaching the detector (mainly the one from the object), blurring the interference fringes. As a rule of thumb, the optical path in the interferometric setup should vary no more than a fraction of the laser wavelength during hologram recording. For that reason, holography at visible wavelengths requires setup to be mounted on vibration-isolated tables and preferably with tabletops to avoid air turbulence or alternatively making use of short laser pulses.
In some cases, working out-of-the lab is necessary and using long-wavelength alleviates the stability requirement for DH setup. This feature makes LWIR DH more resilient to the inevitable perturbations. This was demonstrated by our group in industrial plant conditions29 and even outdoors by others32. For the same reason, the THz DH is further immune against external perturbations. For instance, one can envisage hologram recording via raster-scanning a single-point detector where the acquisition can take tens of minutes.
The MWIR and LWIR ranges are characterized by the thermal radiation emitted by bodies at temperatures around the ambient or corresponding to temperature elevation of a few tens of degrees, which are typical to those used in NDT. In particular, Planck’s Law shows that the maximum emission of ideal black bodies around 20°C corresponds to the main emission lines of CO2 laser (around 10 µm). The direct consequence is that thermal emission will be present as incoherent background into the hologram.
Like any other noise, this can be filtered out if needed, what we showed in Ref. 14. For some DH configurations, like the inline with phase-shifting, the computation naturally eliminates the thermal background (provided it does not vary during the phase-shifting acquisition)33, 34.
However, keeping the thermal background can be of interest for some NDT applications. Indeed, the thermal infrared camera used in LWIR DH can also be used for thermography. On the one hand, the latter is a well-known NDT method that allows observing structures' thermal behaviour under stress or revealing subsurface anomalies by tiny surface temperature differences. On the other hand, HI measures the mechanical behaviour or allows observing subsurface defects by local fringe variations. Being complementary, it can be of high interest to combine both35.
In order to observe the thermal image, image-plane holography configurations are required due to the incoherent nature of thermal radiation (it cannot be propagated by usual DH numerical algorithms). For that reason, LWIR speckle interferometry was developed34. We will describe this application later.
Performing holography through materials can also be of significant interest, not only for measuring refractive index variations as consistently demonstrated on many occasions, but also for reconstructing images (amplitude and phase) of objects occluded by visually opaque materials. Because of the wide variety of materials, their state (solid, liquid, gas) and the broadness of the spectrum, it is impossible to have an exhaustive list of potentialities.
However, let us recall that the atmosphere transmits well the LWIR wavelengths. Although absorptions lines exist for H2O or CO2, the lines of the CO2 laser around 10 µm can pass through the smoke or even flames. This property was used advantageously in an outstanding application36 that we will discuss in a later section.
Going further at long wavelengths appears the THz domain where many materials become transparent37, 38 and where a tremendous activity in new technologies for imaging is ongoing39, 40. THz radiation's non-ionization penetration capability is the highlight of THz imaging technologies, making it a safe alternative to X-ray imaging. Meanwhile, the penetration ability of THz radiation is more selective than X-ray. It depends mainly on the materials under investigation and the working wavelength. For various dielectrics materials, the absorption coefficient increases significantly when the frequency exceeds 1 THz, including standard three-dimensional (3D) printable materials such as Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polylactic acid (PLA), and Nylon, most adhesives and certain industrial plastics such as Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Polycarbonates (PC). Therefore, THz DH should be carried out with sub-THz wavelength when investigating these materials. Polymers including polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon), cyclic olefin polymers (Topas and ZEONEX), dehydrated tissues, and thin textile remain highly transparent at FIR THz range. Therefore, it is preferable to image these samples at FIR frequency with a smaller wavelength to achieve a better resolution for imaging concerns.
Holography in the invisible. From the thermal infrared to the terahertz waves: outstanding applications and fundamental limits
- Light: Advanced Manufacturing 3, Article number: (2022)
- Received: 15 September 2021
- Revised: 07 March 2022
- Accepted: 08 March 2022 Published online: 11 April 2022
doi: https://doi.org/10.37188/lam.2022.022
Abstract: Since its invention, holography has been mostly applied at visible wavelengths in a variety of applications. Specifically, non-destructive testing of manufactured objects was a driver for developing holographic methods and all related ones based on the speckle pattern recording. One substantial limitation of holographic non-destructive testing is the setup stability requirements directly related to the laser wavelength. This observation has driven some works for 15 years: developing holography at wavelengths much longer than visible ones. In this paper, we will first review researches carried out in the infrared, mostly digital holography at thermal infrared wavelengths around 10 micrometers. We will discuss the advantages of using such wavelengths and show different examples of applications. In nondestructive testing, large wavelengths allow using digital holography in perturbed environments on large objects and measure large deformations, typical of the aerospace domain. Other astonishing applications such as reconstructing scenes through smoke and flames were proposed. When moving further in the spectrum, digital holography with so-called Terahertz waves (up to 3 millimeters wavelength) has also been studied. The main advantage here is that these waves easily penetrate some materials. Therefore, one can envisage Terahertz digital holography to reconstruct the amplitude and phase of visually opaque objects. We review some cases in which Terahertz digital holography has shown potential in biomedical and industrial applications. We will also address some fundamental bottlenecks that prevent fully benefiting from the advantages of digital holography when increasing the wavelength.
Research Summary
Holography at long invisible wavelengths allows outstanding applications
Marc Georges from Université de Liège reviews researches and developments on digital holography at wavelengths much longer than the visible ones, mainly between 10 µm and 120 µm. Long wavelengths applied to quantitative phase imaging, in particular holography, can bring many advantages and open the way to new applications. Obviously, holography is better immune to environmental perturbations, hence can be used on the field, even in exterior. Thermal infrared wavelength allow penetrating visually opaque gases, making possible reconstruction of scenes occluded by smoke. Moreover, holographic interferometry incorporate the natural thermal emission in the hologram. This improves nondestructive testing applications on very large industrial parts. After these successes, it was natural to migrate towards larger wavelengths with Terahertz waves, which allow penetrating many solids for searching occluded artefacts. However, some fundamental limits are reached and discussed.
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