Fig. 3 displays extracts of simulated fields in the range of the sphere obtained for vertically incident plane waves with wavelength
$ \lambda=440 $ nm (Fig. 3a, c, d) and$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm (Fig. 3b). In case of$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm the refractive index is assumed to be$ n=4.4172+0.086546{\rm{i}} $ for silicon and$ n=0.74206+5.8235{\rm{i}} $ for aluminum58. Fig. 3 shows the intensity$ I\sim| {E}|^2 $ of the total electric field$ {E}= {E}_{\rm{in}}+ {E}_{\rm{s}} $ , which is given by the sum of the incident field$ {E}_{\rm{in}} $ and the scattered field$ {E}_{\rm{s}} $ . The period length$ l_x $ of the sinusoidal silicon grating in Fig. 3a, b equals 300 nm. Besides slightly different wavelengths, Fig. 3a, b differ in the intensity distribution inside the microsphere. In contrast to an illuminating wavelength of$ \lambda=440 $ nm (Fig. 3a), a WGM occurs for$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm in Fig. 3b at the boundaries of the sphere19,72,73. Due to the WGM, also the fields close to the surface profile differ. Since WGMs are frequently mentioned as the reason of the super-resolution effect15,19,38, we compare results obtained for both of the presented wavelengths with respect to the observed resolution enhancement. It should be noted that the field inside the sphere is given by the superposition of the incident field and the field reflected or scattered by the surface. Hence, the WGM does not appear as significant as expected for an excitation by point-sources and it is further influenced by the interaction with the surface.Fig. 3 Simulated intensities in the area in and around the sphere for a TM-polarized plane incident wave with wavelength
$ \lambda=440 $ nm (a, c, d) and$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm (b) assuming a microcylinder of$ r=2.5 $ μm with refractive index$ n=1.5 $ . The microcylinder marked by the blue circle is placed on a sinusoidal grating with period length$ l_x=300 $ nm and peak-to-valley amplitude of$ h=25 $ nm (a, b), a plane dielectric surface (mirror) (c) and floating in air (d). The plot shows the intensity of the total field, which is given by the sum of the incident field and the scattered field. The configuration is assumed to be periodic with a period length of 13.2 μm. For$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm a WGM appears. In air a photonic nanojet occurs under the microcylinder.Fig. 3c presents the intensity obtained from a plane dielectric surface of the same material (for simplicity marked as ‘mirror’ in the figure) for
$ \lambda=440 $ nm. Comparing Figs. 3a, c no significant differences are apparent leading to the conclusion that the conversion of evanescent to propagating waves is negligible as expected, due to the small amplitude of the grating profile. If the propagation of evanescent waves generated by the grating would be enhanced by the microsphere, a more significant difference in the intensity distribution is to be expected. In both figures, three intensity maxima under different angles are visible. Since Fig. 3c is related to a plane dielectric surface, these maxima are not due to the grating structure.Fig. 3d shows the intensity obtained from a sphere floating in air. Here, the two outer of the aforementioned three intensity maxima still occur. Hence, these maxima follow from illumination and internal reflection at the sphere and not from reflection at the object under the sphere. Furthermore, an intensity maximum known as photonic nanojet14 appears under the sphere. A recent review of photonic nanojets and their applications can be found in74. Since the PNJ occurs approximately 1 μm below the bottom of the sphere for given parameters, it will not exist anymore if the sphere is placed directly on the object’s surface.
Computing scattered fields similar to those shown in Fig. 3 for discrete angles of incidence within a cone limited by
$ 0\leq \varphi_{\rm{in}}\leq 2\pi $ and$ 0\leq\theta_{\rm{in}}\leq \arcsin({\rm{NA}}) $ , where 57 discrete azimuth angles$ \varphi_{\rm{in}} $ and 29 discrete polar angles$ \theta_{\rm{in}} $ with respect to the optical axis are used, and simulating the imaging process in a Linnik interferometer according to41, interference signals also known as interferograms, which are similar to those detected by a camera in reality, result.Fig. 4 shows extracts of simulated interferograms obtained from a plane dielectric surface (Fig. 4a), a sinusoidal grating with
$ l_x=300 $ nm (Fig. 4b) and an inverted sinusoidal grating of the same period (Fig. 4c). It should be noted that the interference component of the intensity is shown and, thus, negative intensity values occur. In all three cases, the focal plane of the sphere, i.e. the plane where the maximum interference contrast appears, is shifted in positive$ z $ -direction by approximately$ 2.5 $ -$ 3 $ μm compared to the virtual image plane sketched in Fig. 1 and marked by the black dashed line in Fig. 4a. It is a well known effect that the virtual image plane differs from the object plane shifted by the sphere11,12. The interference signals show an envelope, which occurs due to the high NA of the objective lenses (also known as longitudinal spatial coherence75). In general, the simulated interferograms show good agreement with measured signals published by Hüser et al.43,76.Fig. 4 Extract of interferograms obtained from (a) a plane dielectric surface (mirror), (b) a sinusoidal grating with period length
$ l_x=300 $ nm and (c) the same grating structure of (b) laterally shifted by$ l_x/2 $ corresponding to an inversion. The interferograms are simulated for TM-polarized light of wavelength$ \lambda=440 $ nm and NA=0.9. The black dashed line in (a) indicates the virtual image plane.In the magnified area in Fig. 4b, c, the grating structure can be seen as a phase modulation of the interference signals. Comparing the two subfigures, the phase modulation seems to be inverted (shifted by
$ \pi $ ) in Fig. 4c in contrast to Fig. 4b. Therefore, the phase changes in the interferograms from the surface section under the sphere result from the grating profile. The simulated interferograms can be evaluated by conventional CSI signal processing. In our case, height values are found by envelope and phase detection77,78. In the following a numerical approach to analyze the lateral resolution capabilities of microsphere-assisted interferometer is explained.Fig. 5a presents an interferogram obtained for an NA of 0.52, an illumination wavelength of
$ \lambda=440 $ nm and$ l_x=300 $ nm. Compared to Fig. 4 the envelope of the interferogram is broadened and shows clearer side lobes in$ z $ -direction in the areas besides the sphere. This effect can be simply explained by the lower NA value compared to$ {\rm{NA}}=0.9 $ in Fig. 4. The evaluation is performed over an area under the sphere centered around the focal plane of the sphere as marked by the rectangle in Fig. 5a.Fig. 5 Extract of an interferogram simulated with
$ l_x=300 $ nm,$ {\rm{NA}}=0.52 $ and$ \lambda=440 $ nm (a). The area, which is evaluated by envelope (env) and phase (ph) evaluation is marked by the black rectangle. Phase and envelope profiles obtained from the presented interferogram as well as an interferogram of the inverted grating (indicated by i) are displayed in (b). The differences$ \Delta h $ between the profiles according to (b) are presented in (c). The standard deviation of$ \Delta h $ is used in order to analyze the resolution limit.In order to find an evidence that profiles are resolved according to the Abbe limit as described in Common definitions of resolution and classification of this work, interference patterns are calculated for a sinusoidal grating profile and its inverse similar to Fig. 4b, c. Envelope and phase evaluation of the interferograms of the grating and the inverted grating structure result in the profiles displayed in Fig. 5b. In the following the result of envelope evaluation is named envelope profile
$ h_{\rm{env}} $ , the phase evaluation result is called phase profile$ h_{\rm{ph}} $ .In both, the envelope and the phase profiles, the grating profile under the sphere is clearly resolved, although
$ l_x=300 $ nm is well below the maximum resolvable period length$ l_{x,{\rm{Abbe}}}> 423 $ nm according to the Abbe resolution limit calculated for the NA value of 0.52 considering air as the surrounding medium. Hence, the microcylinder enhances the lateral resolution.It should be noted that in case of SILs4 the maximum achievable resolution would be improved to
$ \lambda/2n $ considering the refractive index$ n $ of the SIL. Hence, the resolution limit using an ideal SIL should be well below 300 nm. Nonetheless, in case of SILs, which are based on evanescent wave coupling, the SIL must be pressed on the objects surface, what is only given for a negligible small area under the sphere in our setup and for phase objects generally hard to implement. Furthermore, as it is shown in Fig. 6b in the next section, the resolution is still enhanced for a distance of 500 nm between the sphere and the objects surface. Additionally, simulation results show that the observed lateral resolution limit is not significantly influenced changing the refractive index of the sphere between$ n=1.4 $ and$ n=1.6 $ . Therefore, a microsphere cannot be considered similar to an SIL and thus we analyze the resolution enhancement with respect to the resolution limit with air as the surrounding medium for$ n=1.5 $ . A comparison between SILs and microspheres is given by Darafsheh et al.79.Fig. 6 Standard deviation of
$ \Delta h $ (exemplary shown in Fig. 5c) as a function of the period length$ l_x $ for two different wavelengths$ \lambda=440 $ nm and$ \lambda=480.76 $ nm, hence with and without WGM (a). std is calculated from envelope (Env.) as well as phase (Ph.) analysis. For phase analysis the evaluation wavelengths$ \lambda_{\rm{eval}}=650 $ nm and$ \lambda_{\rm{eval}}=690 $ nm, respectively, are used. The axial distance$ d $ between the sphere and the highest point of the profile is varied for$ \lambda=440 $ nm and$ l_x=220 $ nm in (b).Further, the period length is magnified by a factor of approximately two. The amplitude of the envelope profiles in the area under the sphere significantly increases by a factor larger than 10 compared to the real profile, the height of the phase profile approximately corresponds to the nominal height of 25 nm (see Fig. 5b). Such an increased amplitude in the envelope profile can be observed for sinusoidal shaped profiles in other CSI measurements and simulations without microspheres, too41. In addition, in Fig. 5b the envelope and the phase profiles are inverted with respect to each other. This behavior can be explained by the transfer characteristics of the measurement instrument (in this case including the sphere) as shown for standard CSI measurements by Lehmann et al.49.
The height profiles
$ h(x) $ ,$ h_{\rm{i}}(x) $ of the grating and the inverse grating are subtracted from each other and depicted in Fig. 5c after the constant offset was subtracted. Thus, the difference$ \Delta h(x)=h(x)-h_{\rm{i}}(x) $ of the height profiles is mainly influenced by the grating structure and hence, the standard deviation$$ {\rm{std}}=\frac{1}{N-1}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N}\Delta h(x_j) $$ (1) is used as a quantity for the resolution, where
$ N $ is the number of evaluated pixels and$ x_j $ the$ x $ -value assigned to the$ j $ th pixel. If the grating is not resolved by the interferometer system,$ \Delta h(x)=0 $ and hence$ {\rm{std}}=0 $ is expected. In the following this approach is used in order to analyze the influence of the wavelength, the distance between sphere and surface as well as the NA on the resolution enhancement.
FEM-based modeling of microsphere-enhanced interferometry
- Light: Advanced Manufacturing 3, Article number: (2022)
- Received: 01 June 2022
- Revised: 14 October 2022
- Accepted: 15 October 2022 Published online: 28 October 2022
doi: https://doi.org/10.37188/lam.2022.049
Abstract: To improve the lateral resolution in microscopic imaging, microspheres are placed close to the object’ s surface in order to support the imaging process by optical near-field information. Although microsphere-assisted measurements are part of various recent studies, no generally accepted explanation for the effect of microspheres exists. Photonic nanojets, enhancement of the numerical aperture, whispering-gallery modes and evanescent waves are usually named reasons in context with microspheres, though none of these effects is proven to be decisive for the resolution enhancement. We present a simulation model of the complete microscopic imaging process of microsphere-enhanced interference microscopy including a rigorous treatment of the light scattering process at the surface of the specimen. The model consideres objective lenses of high numerical aperture providing 3D conical illumination and imaging. The enhanced resolution and magnification by the microsphere is analyzed with respect to the numerical aperture of the objective lenses. Further, we give a criterion for the achievable resolution and demonstrate that a local enhancement of the numerical aperture is the most likely reason for the resolution enhancement.
Research Summary
Microsphere-assisted microscopy: enhancing the lateral resolution using micro elements
In order to improve the imaging capabilities of microscopic arrangements, microelements such as microspheres and microcylinders are placed on the measurement object’s surface to increase lateral resolution. Although microelement-enhanced microscopic measurements are part of various recent studies, reasons for the resolution enhancement are mainly speculatively discussed and no generally accepted explanation exists. The authors developed a virtual microcylinder-assisted interference microscope considering the conical illumination of the microscope, the interaction of light with the microcylinder and the object’s surface as well as the imaging properties and thus reproducing measurement results reliably. Using the virtual measurement instrument a way to quantify the resolution enhancement and analyze the resolution limit is demonstrated. As a result, the local enhancement of the numerical aperture is shown to be the most realistic reason for resolution enhancement.
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