In the 2000s, a notable increase in research and industrial attention towards mid-IR light sources and sensors stemmed from the rapid expansion of diverse industrial sectors. The raised emphasis on developing Mid-IR sources, specifically within the range of 2.7 to 4.5 μm, has been propelled by the rising need for applications such as monitoring greenhouse gases and pollutants1, optical frequency standards for global positioning systems and optical clocks2, free space and fibre optical communications3, LIDAR systems, and medical applications, particularly for spectroscopic diagnostics4, 5. As a result, over the past decade, fibre-based Mid-IR lasers have emerged as promising high-brightness light sources capable of generating light beyond 2.5 μm. The configuration of fibre lasers offers a tailored and flexible design in terms of output power and operational regime, as well as advantages of reduced cost, improved efficiency, and ease of operation compared to established quantum cascade laser technology.
To leverage the potential of fibre lasers in the mid-IR wavelength range, it is necessary to integrate unique soft-glass fibres into the existing infrastructure currently dominated by silica fibres. Silica fibres are unsuitable for mid-IR applications due to the high phonon energy of the glass matrix (1100 cm−1). Such a high phonon energy leads to extreme absorption over 3 dB/m beyond 2.5 μm, which cannot be compensated by a small-signal gain in active fibre to initiate laser generation. On the contrary, fibres based on soft-glass matrices, such as fluoride or chalcogenide, feature low phonon energy, making them a promising platform for mid-IR system development. Particularly, the phonon energy of fluoride fibres is approximately ~500−550 cm−1, which enables transmission within the wavelength range from visible up to approximately 5 μm6, 7. Due to their soft glass nature, fluoride-based fibres have lower melting temperatures (280−400 °C), higher coefficient of thermal expansion (179 × 10−7 K−1) and lower Young's modulus (~60 GPa) when compared to harder glasses like silica (1300 °C, 5.9 × 10−7 K−1 and ~70 GPa, correspondingly)8, 9. Recent research results have demonstrated promising progress in the development of Mid-IR lasers based on fluoride fibres doped with Erbium (Er), Dysprosium (Dy), and Holmium (Ho)-doped fluoride fibres, primarily with ZBLAN (ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF) or InF3-based glass matrices, as a gain media for direct generation from 2.7 to 4.4 μm10-15.
Yet, replacing silica fibres with soft-glass ones or even their combination within the laser setup sets challenging requirements of redesigning existing fibre post-processing methodologies16, 17 or developing innovative concepts for essential fluoride fibre-based laser components18. One of the key examples is the design of effective pump combiners, where pump lasers are pigtailed with silica fibres. Conventionally, this development has been successfully done using the thermal treatment of silica fibres, i.e. tapering and fusion splicing9,19, 20. Other approaches, such as various side-coupling techniques21-23, while demonstrating high efficiency in scientific results, have seen limited application in commercial systems due to their intricate manufacturing processes, higher complexity and cost. As mentioned above, the melting temperatures, thermal expansion coefficient and viscosity of fluoride and silica fibres are drastically different, which restricts fuse-based methodologies for the fabrication of hybrid fibre pump combiners.
In the quest to enhance the pumping arrangement in Mid-IR fibre lasers, achieve a uniform distribution of pump power along fluoride fibres, and avoid heat degradation of the fibre tip during face pumping24, a few designs of side pump combiners have previously been proposed. Namely, Schäfer et al. fabricated side combiner by splicing the angle-polished multimode fibre onto the first cladding of a double-clad fibre25. The pump combiner included two fluoride fibres used for power delivery and signal generation. The coupling efficiency reached 83%. Alternatively, a pump combiner based on fluoride fibres has been fabricated using the conventional heat-pull method, reaching nearly 50% efficiency26. However, neither of these methodologies has provided an interface between pump-delivering silica fibre and fluoride signal fibre. In both works, the pump light from a pump source was coupled free-space into fluoride fibres27.
Ultimately, the other class of pump combiners present hybrid designs comprising silica and fluoride fibres. Notably, the approach offered by Magnan-Saucier et al. utilised core-less silica fibre tapered down to 12 μm waist diameter for the pump delivery28. The pump delivery taper was placed along the fluoride double-clad fibre, ensuring physical contact via surface tension and, hence, the record-high coupling efficiency of 93%. The physical contact of the fibres is very critical as it can significantly limit the coupling efficiency. Therefore, such methodology employs quite a challenging task of twisting the fragile ultra-thin tapered and fluoride fibres. An analogous technology of tapering the pump-delivering silica fibre, yet only down to ~60 μm in diameter, has been shown in Ref. 29. The tapered silica fibre has been fixed to the edge of the first cladding of double-cad ZBLAN fibre at a 9-degree angle using UV curable glue. As a result, the coupling efficiency of such a combiner mounted to 60%.
Most recently, these two approaches have been combined to design a tellurite fibre beam combiner by fusion splicing tapered delivery fibre onto signal one16.
Here, we present a new type of hybrid fibre pump combiner that doesn't require thermal post-processing. This combiner uses a pair of side-polished (also known as D-shaped) fibres: multimode silica fibre to deliver the pump radiation and a double-clad ZBLAN fibre. The polishing techniques for both types of fibres are similar and straightforward, and standard commercial polishing pads can be used. We achieved over 80% coupling efficiency of 980-nm pump signal with the maximum available pump power of approximately 12 W. The deviation of the coupled laser power was as low as 0.09% during 8 hours of continuous operation. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the pump combiner in a linear laser cavity based on Er-doped gain fibre, reaching ~15.5% generation efficiency at around 2780 nm. This pump combiner design is not limited to a specific signal fibre, such as ZBLAN. As we demonstrated, it can employ both passive or active fibres and be translated to fibres of different glass matrices or double-clad fibre geometries. Therefore, this design can be applied to a wide range of fibre laser and amplifier systems and operational wavelengths.