Holography per se is a way to record both the intensity and phase of a light wave. Unlike traditional photography, which maps 3D wave-front onto the 2D plane through intensity-only recording, holographic image capturing allows for depth-perception and different viewing angels1, 2. more importantly, a mathematical framework which was derived to describe the physical principle of the hologram3−5 could be used to simulate light wave propagation and diffraction pattern from specific diffractive optics elements (DOEs). Given desired diffraction pattern, corresponding DOE could be computed and processed for manufacturing. The rapid growth in computing power of modern personal computers allows computer-generated holograms (CGH) to be digitally produced in a fraction of a second6, 7.
The Iterative Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (IFFTA) is one of the best known mathematical platforms for evaluating the DOE configuration to obtain the desired far-field diffraction pattern. IFFTA is suitable for getting binary amplitude-only or phase-only CGHs as well as for multi-level phase-only holograms8, 9. The algorithm's core is repeatedly altering between spatial and frequency domains, substituting the phase factor from the previous iteration to the next one. Usually, a root mean squared error (RMSE) is used to compare the calculated far-filed diffraction pattern to the desired image and stop the iteration process. The crucial step of the IFFTA is the phase quantization process. All numerical calculations are usually performed using 32 or 64-bits float numbers, but manufacturing and displaying technologies operate with a much lower bit number (1-8 bits). The quantization step is required to reduce the number of bits. In this work, we will consider and produce a binary hologram (1 bit). In this case, the phase and amplitude holograms are mathematically equivalent. The straightforward approach is to divide phase interval from 0 to 2
$ \pi $ into two equal segments and use$ \pi $ value as a threshold for phase quantization. However, more complicated algorithms were proposed10−12 to find the optimal threshold value and obtain the best possible far-field diffraction outcome. After the quantization step, the resulted hologram is ready to be manufactured.Polymers are promising materials for the production of DOEs13−15. Their optical properties are well known and could be tuned to match optical needs16−18. Some polymers are bio-compatible/bio-degradable such as polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), etc.19 or even has an Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for in vivo usage like polylactic acid (PLA)20. PLA is transparent within the visible spectral range, and the performance of the amplitude holograms is mostly independent of the illumination wavelength (only image scale is affected). These properties make it possible to use a large variety of laser sources to reconstruct diffraction patterns. Such attributes makes PLA one of the best materials for manufacturing DOEs, specifically for biomedical applications19.
There are three leading technologies for polymer-based DOEs production:
1. Micro-hot embossing. In this approach, a master mold usually made of nickel or rigid thermo-resistive polymer is pressed into the polymer film. Processed film is heated up to its glass transition temperature21−23. Under pressure and heat, the master mold pattern is transferred onto the surface of the processed polymer.
2. Laser ablation and engraving. The ultra-short laser pulses (nanoseconds and less) perform local polymer removing to form the desired surface pattern of DOEs24−26. Typically, UV lasers were used as most polymers have moderate to significant absorption coefficient in this spectral range.
3. Casting. This method implies using solvents. At first, the polymer is dissolved in the suitable solvent. Then it is casted into a special mold, or the mold itself is dip-coated into the dissolved polymer27, 28. Usually, molds are made out of inert silicone-based polymers like polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Master molds should be wettable by the solvent; otherwise, fine surface patterns will not be replicated.
All of the above-mentioned manufacturing methods produce phase-only DOEs patterns either by redistribution polymer volume (micro-hot embossing and casting) or permanently removing local parts of the polymer film (laser ablation or engraving). In order to produce amplitude-only hologram, usually a spot of opaque ink is deposited onto the substrate’s surface. In all of the described methods, the produced DOE only carries information in terms of their diffraction pattern and not physically. In principle, useful bioactive substances could be doped into the ink, but in this case, the cargo mass will be much smaller compared to the proposed approach, and compatibility between light-blocking ink and the drug should be addressed.
We introduce an additive approach of producing biocompatible DOEs using direct drug printing (DDP). Bio -active substances are hot-printed onto the surface of flat polymer film as cargo bits. Spatial distribution of cargo bits forms the precomputed DOE. In our approach, the bioactive substance does not interact with any organic solvents and is placed “as is” onto the inert biopolymer, ensuring no changes in the pharmacological effect of the drug. The resulted film acts as a transmissive amplitude-only hologram. This cargo packaging system, that creates a clear far-field diffraction pattern when illuminated by a coherent light source, can find its place in various biomedical problems. One direct applications of payload holograms is tracking the lifespan of colorless content and measurement of the characteristic release time of active substances under various environmental conditions. The most likely application of our technology is to complement the standard antibiotic testing procedure. Adding a visual channel for tracking the drug release, which requires only the presence of a coherent light source, will significantly improve the assessment of the effect of the antibiotic and allow to control visually the release time and amount of eluted cargo. The central novelty of the paper is the fact that proposed holograms not only carry information in terms of precomputed diffraction patterns but also have a physical useful load in the form of light-blocking cargo-bits made of different bioactive substances. As far as we know, our paper is the first to demonstrate the possibility of using holograms as a payload carrier.
The self-written algorithm in Python code was used to compute computer-generated holograms. To compare the produced diffraction pattern and desired image at each iteration root mean square error was calculated. 256 iterations were done to obtain the final hologram. At the quantization stage
$ \pi $ value was chosen as a single threshold. There is a direct relation between the distribution of binary transmission and the distribution of a binary phase redundancy51. During the computation of the hologram we can consider the binary amplitude hologram as a binary phase transmittance which can only have the complex values$ exp(-i0) = 1 $ and$ exp(-i\pi) = -1 $ . Offsetting these values with a DC-term transforms the resulting binary phase distribution into a binary amplitude distribution between 0 and 152. 128 × 128 pixels images were processed using this Python script. -
A custom Python script was used to simulate the spontaneous local release and continuous dissolving of the cargo bits and their effect on the resulting far-field diffraction pattern. For a quantitative assessment of the visibility of the diffraction pattern, the value of RMSC was calculated by the formula:
$$ RMSC = \sqrt{\frac{1}{MN}\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N}\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M(I_{n,m}-\overline I)^2} $$ (1) there
$ M, N $ are the number of pixels along the width and height in the region of interest (ROI) which fully enclose the “B” letter,$ I_{n,m} $ and$ \overline I $ are the intensity of a given pixel and average intensity within the ROI correspondingly. In order to evaluate the effect of cargo release in a real experiment, a set of images were taken at different time-points of a drug-eluting process, namely 6, 12 and 24 hours. Correlation coefficient between the initial diffraction pattern (letter “B”) and various stages of release was computed using predefined function$ corrcoef $ from the$ Numpy $ module to quantify the effect of a drug release process. -
In the first stage, the master mold was manufactured out of Kapton polymer using laser ablation method. Cobolt Tor XS (532 nm, 50 µJ, 1.9 ns) was used as a light source. The microscopic objective lens with a numerical aperture of 0.1 focuses laser light onto the Kapton’s surface. 25 laser pulses were used to form one indentation. The pulse repetition rate was set to 1 kHz. To control the spatial position of the master mold, the precise XY stage driven by the custom software was utilized. Fig. 5a highlights the most critical aspects of a custom-made laser ablation system. Resulted indentations are in a cone form with diameter 22 ± 2 µm, height 20 ± 2 µm and angle of 35°. Step between indentations was set to 40 µm. The second step is to replicate Kapton mold features into the PDMS mold, suitable for direct drug printing protocol. Sylgard 184 (DOWSIL) was mixed in the manufacturer prescribed ratio (10:1 w/w), then degassed in the vacuum chamber for 30 minutes and poured onto the surface of the patterned Kapton film. The whole sample was placed into the oven at 100°C for 35 minutes. After the curing process negative PDMS mold (with pillars) was detached from the Kapton film. The third step is PDMS to PDMS casting. This casting cannot be done directly because during the curing process, two PDMS molds will stick together and form a monolithic unit unless a separating layer is used. Negative PDMS mold was dip-coated by the 0.5% (w/w) solution of PLA in chloroform to form a separating film. A new batch of PDMS was mixed using the same protocol as before and poured onto PLA-covered negative PDMS mold. PDMS was cured in the oven at 60°C for 4 hours. Such low curing temperature was chosen to prevent the thermal softening of polylactide film. After curing, two PDMS molds could be easily separated from each over. Resulted positive PDMS mold was used for payload hologram manufacturing.
Fig. 5 a The most significant aspects of the experimental laser ablation setup. A collimated laser beam fully illuminates the back entrance pupil of the objective lens to ensure diffraction-limited spot size at the front focal plane. b SEM image of manufactured Kapton master mold. c SEM image of the negative PDMS mold featuring surface quality of produced indentations via laser ablation process. d SEM image of the positive PDMS mold used for direct drug printing method of hologram manufacturing.